Julian Page 13
Slow down, baby. These twins, have you kidnapped them? I mean, you said they were in the nursery; the person you’re planning to take them from, do they know this? Tess told him not to be silly. Silly or not, I’m sure that someone will miss them. Especially when you said they were cute as a button. They’re drop off children. As soon as the parent or parents drop them off at a shelter or hospital that takes them, they forfeit all rights to the child. Or in this case, our children. He laughed. They need me, Jules. And I need them. I don’t know why, but I really do want them to come home with me. Let me finish up here and I’ll come there. You might be wrong in how beautiful they are, and I just want to make sure. And if there is some kind of paperwork that we’d have to fill out, you get a start on it. Tess told him that she loved him. You might not think that if the nanny quits or you see the first semi of diapers coming to the house. We’ll be in the poor house, too, if you plan on adopting each child that comes to you like this. I’m not making any kind of promises. You’ll just have to love me more. He said that he did, every single day. I’m going to have them ready when you get here. I’m sure that the staff will be sad to let them go. They’re that adorable. I’ll be there as soon as my meeting is over. I have several meetings tomorrow too, so if you find one tomorrow that you think we should adopt, then you’ll have to make that decision on your own. She was laughing when she told Allie what was going on. Getting the paperwork ready was much easier than she thought it would be. Both of them were certified to adopt a child—her because she had been bonded when she got the job, and Jules because of the paperwork he’d completed when he started carrying a gun. Not to mention, the nursing staff had started the adoption paperwork as soon as she showed up to look at the children. “You’ll have to name them.” She looked at Allie when the nurse told her that. “I’d say that you should talk to your sisters-in-law about their names. You don’t want to pick something that they have.” Allie told her both girl names that her and Dane had decided on. “And you’re having a boy, so that helps. So, what do you think? Lucy’s middle name is Allison, and I don’t think I ever heard what your mom’s name was. For that matter, if your parents are still around.” “Both died when I was younger. I don’t remember them at all.” Allie said that she was sorry. “Thanks. But my grandma’s name was Asher, believe it or not, and her middle name was Leanna. So, how about Leanna Asher and Julia Allison, or something like that. I’ll let Jules decide.” She couldn’t wait to take them home with her. Pushing the little bassinet down to her office, she showed them to Lucy. While she was looking them both over, holding them and fussing over how pretty they were, Jules joined them, and fell in love just as she had. And he thought the names were absolutely perfect, just as she was. She wondered if he was going to really buy diapers wholesale like he had threatened her. Formula might be a better thing to buy in bulk.
Chapter 11
Levi loved having someone helping in his studio. And Ken was such a good guy that he was enjoying talking to him as well. When he was finished with a painting, or something else that he was working on, he could just walk away and know that his brushes would be cleaned up, as well as his area. He was even getting more work done. “Levi, you should know something. That picture that you had me take pictures of and printed up? Well, the ladies at the photo shop really liked it.” He giggled; the man actually giggled. “I think they want to hang him up like a pin up girl or something.” “They called here asking me where the man was. I didn’t tell them that it was me. Can you imagine what would happen if they found out?” Ken said they’d corner him in an alley. “No. I was thinking more along the lines of— You’re hanging out with Dane too much. You’re beginning to sound just like her.” He laughed this time, and so did Levi. Painting that picture had been fun. But when he’d added the background and the other elements that he wanted, the painting had taken on a life of its own. And the woman in the painting, who no one saw but him, scared him a little. Not like a nightmarish kind of scared, but just gave him a little jolt to the belly. They worked for the rest of the morning, and when Ken left to go to the shelter for lunch, just to hang out with his wife, Levi went to his own home. The staff was off for the day, and he was trying very hard not to mess up his house. He really did hate messes, but he despised cleaning up. Laughing, he pulled out the sandwiches that had been left for him this morning. In two weeks he was going to be in Germany for a showing. But he was actually leaving on Monday. In four days. And he was going to be gone for a month. Long enough for him to take a walking trip around the country, take some pictures, and relax before starting all over again when he got home. He was depressed. Levi had never been one to suffer depression much. Just an occasional bad morning or something that his painting or art could blow away. But just lately he’d not been sleeping well, getting up in the middle of the night to paint, and his appetite had gone downhill. He looked at the three sandwiches on the plate, wondering why he’d only eaten half of one of them. “You need to get laid.” He smiled at Colton when he came in the house. “What’s up? I can feel you’re not happy all the way to the office.” “I don’t know. And don’t psychoanalyze me either. I’m just a little down.” He sat a box of chocolates in front of him. “You want me to be your valentine? I think we’re a little old for stuff like this, not to mention, we’re brothers.” “No, I got it on sale. Half price. It’s the fifteenth. I’m assuming you forgot. Again.” He said that he had a standing order at the florist to send all the women on his list flowers, and Mom a plant. “How romantic. And what did you give the lady in your life?”
“I don’t have one.” Colton ate two of the three sandwiches left as Levi opened the candy. “Do you suppose with all the others getting mates, we will too?” “Nope.” He asked him why not. “Have you met the women in our family? There cannot be more like them out there for us. Wyatt has said he’s not going to see women anymore in his practice. And you never leave the house or studio, so that’s a no-go. And me? I don’t care if I meet her. One way or another. I mean, I would love a mate, but I just don’t see it happening in my line of work. Anyone I see is going to be off her noodle, so no thanks.” “What a horrible thing to say.” He just shrugged. “I’m not sure about finding her. I suppose that she’s out there someplace. I’m worried too, that, she’ll be like.... What’s her name? Brayden’s first almost wife.” “Vonda Hull. Yeah, that is sort of scary. So was she.” He agreed with his brother. “I’ve been thinking about things though. I mean, like you, I have a house. No staff, but then most of the house is empty anyway. I’ve lived there five years, and all I’ve managed to do is buy me a big bed. I have a dining room table that I scavenged from the barn one day. Two chairs that I use because I’m too busy to mess with bringing the others into the house. I use paper plates too.” “What are you going to do about it? I’m assuming that you’ve come to some sort of awareness.” He nodded as he ate three pieces of candy. “Well? What are you going to do?” “You and me, we’re going to go shopping. But not at the traditional kind of stores. I want something that reflects my taste.” Levi asked him what his soon to be wife might think. “She’ll love it, right? If she’s my mate, then she and I will have the same tastes. Old as shit and covered in peeling paint.” “You’re weird.” Colton grinned at him. “All right. So, we’re going on this road trip sort of thing. When are we leaving? You do know that I have a show coming up?” “I do know, and I also know that you have all the paintings and pottery already sent over. That you’re ahead of the game, too, for it and the next one, which is local. You can afford to take the next ten days off with me and go on this trip. We need it.” He was right, Levi was well ahead of himself. “And Wyatt is going too. We’re going to have a single man bash and go shopping. Ten glorious days of just the three of us, manly shopping.” “And how do you propose we get these things home? I’m assuming you have this all worked out.” Colton got up and poured them both a glass of milk. And got out a box of cereal. “What the fuck are you doing?” “I’m starving. Like you,
I’ve not been eating well. And so you know, while we’ve been talking, you’ve eaten candy, another sandwich, as well as two apples. You’re hungry too.” He looked around at the counter. “I made you two sandwiches and you ate them both.” “You’re doing that psycho shit on me, aren’t you?” Colton told him that he didn’t have to. They were just talking. “Okay, so I might need this break. But I can’t just up and leave. I have staff, a house. I even have employees.”
“I’ve talked to the staff, and you’re packed to go. They even packed you some clothing that doesn’t have paint on them. Ken is going to get paid while you’re away because he’s going to be working at the shelter with his wife. He’s happy for it. Your mail is being picked up with mine and Wyatt’s, and the way we’re getting our things back here is by truck. I’ve hired a driver friend of mine who could use some work, and he’s going to come with us, but behind us by a couple of days. It’s all arranged.” Wyatt showed up a little while later, after Levi had three more sandwiches and drank two glasses of milk and a glass of water. Not only was he suddenly starving, but he was dry as a bone too. His brother was right, he needed this. They were packing up the truck to go when he asked Colton about his bags. He pulled out his credit card and said that was it. “I don’t have any casual clothes. Not a single pair of blue jeans. I own several T-shirts that look like I’ve had them, and I more than likely have, for the last ten years. All of them have either football, college, or logos for something to do with town. I have a pair of tennis shoes that I hate. I’m going to find things I want to wear and wear them. As I go. Even my underwear is old. Christ, I should have done this years ago.” “How the hell did you both get the time off? I mean, I know that you work for yourself, but it had to be hard.” Wyatt told him how they were supposed to be going to this doctor’s convention. “And you decided this would be better?” “No. Yes. What I mean is, the convention was canceled about a month ago. We decided then that you were going to go with us. It wasn’t until we talked to Ken and found out that you’d taken care to be ready for your next show that we decided not to tell you until we were leaving. Everyone, little brother, knew but you.” Levi didn’t even care. Colton grinned as he continued. “You are going to let loose, right? I mean, no calling home to make sure that your paints are all capped, and that whatever you do with that clay, it’s all secure too.” “No. No more than you will.” Colton laughed, and they loaded up. “What do the others say about this? I mean, you have told them, haven’t you?” “I have, and Brayden is jealous. Christian is planning a honeymoon with his wife before the baby comes. And Jules and his wife are overrun by children. They’re really cute having those kids with them. Can you believe it? They look like they’re all their kids. I mean, I have no doubt that they’ll be treated the same, but damn—four babies at one time. I love being an uncle, don’t you guys?” “I think of it as practice for us all. And if we never meet our mates, then we’ll be the best damned uncles around.” Levi wondered if Wyatt felt that way, but didn’t ask. This wasn’t going to be a time of arguing. It was going to be fun. “I’m joking, Levi. I want to meet her.” “I know that. So do I, but not right away.” They looked at Colton, who was next in line. “You think it works that way—oldest to youngest?” “Yes, I hope so.” He looked at Wyatt, who was younger than him by nineteen months, as Wyatt continued. “Yes, I surely hope so. I don’t have a house. No staff, not that I need one in my apartment, and I have some growing up to do. I’ve seen the way the women in this family can make you toe the line, in a good way, and I’m not sure I’d be any good at that.” They were on the road twice. The first time they left Levi’s house, he had forgotten to lock up. He never locked his doors because he wasn’t ever gone from his place. But when he decided that he might have forgotten to turn off the stove, Wyatt reminded him that he had had cereal. A grown-up food. “Hey, I love it. I can eat it standing up. If I forget to wash out the bowl, it’s not that bad. The milk can be nasty, but I do have Ken now, who comes and cleans up for me.” He laughed. “I’m thinking he needs a raise. I have never had anyone but Mom fuss at me the way he does, and is nice when I’m finally doing whatever it was he wanted. Like putting the sponges that I don’t want in the trash and not throwing them at him.” “You still do that? I remember once you said you were going to soak them in paint and make a painting that way. Did you ever do it?” He pulled out his phone and showed his brothers his art. “You sold that too, didn’t you? For a great deal of money. Some nasty sponges soaked in paint stuck to a canvas, and you sold it.” “I certainly did.” He didn’t tell him that it had been fun, or that for days he just went at it, throwing the sponges at it to relieve some stress. Then one day, someone came to his studio to talk about a painting he wanted for his home and bought it. Levi did that now all the time, relieved stress with his art. It was fun and profitable. He was actually thinking of setting up another one for Ken to work on. The man was stressed out. Waiting for his wife to go into heat, that would do it, he supposed. And if it sold, he’d give him the money too. For his kid’s college fund. Yes, his life was beginning to take on a new journey. ~~~ Jules loved the little girls in his life. He loved everything about his new life, actually. When Julia was finished having her bottle, he put her over his shoulder and patted her back. This one was going to be trouble, he knew it from the start. Laughing when she belched like his father did, he laid her on the couch beside her sister and picked up Leanna. “What to do with all these females in my house. I know, buy a big lock so that no one touches you.” Tess laughed with him as she fed Ruby. “How did we get so lucky? I have all these women in my life, and I could not be any happier than I am right at this moment.” “Remember this when they’re all teenagers at the same time, and this little guy I’m carrying is upset because his sisters are taking up all the bathroom time. I think we should consider that now. Put them each in a bathroom of their own.” He didn’t think that would work and told her. “I know. Those two there, they’ll be together for every little thing. I’ve never seen babies seem to need each other like they do. Do you suppose they’re all right?” “Yes.” When Julia started to fuss at him, he put her on his lap so that she could touch her sister while she had her bottle. “If you’ll notice, I was able to feed Julia without having to hold Leanna. I think we’re making progress.”
The twins were newborns, not much older than about a month, if that. They were a lot smaller than Ruby, and with the fact that they were twins, they were still tiny to him. It had taken him an entire day to get up the nerve to hold one of them, he’d been so afraid of hurting them with his big hands. He looked up when his dad joined them, taking Julia off his lap and holding her. “A man could get used to this. Holding a grandchild is the best thing I’ve ever had the pleasure of doing.” They had decided not to dress them in matching outfits, and Dad had told them he thought that was smart. But his mom didn’t agree, apparently, because everything she bought for the girls there were three of everything. “I have a question for you. The girls’ room—you going to just put two more beds in there, or are you going to have four nurseries when your son comes too?” “I don’t know what we decided.” He looked at Tess, who was burping Ruby. She had gone to bottle feeding now because of the new baby coming along. “Tess? Did we?” “I just thought for now they could all be in the same bed. But Ruby is rolling around now, and I worried about that. But the twins, they need each other, so I’m not sure that they’d like to be separated.” Dad told them that they’d have to be sooner rather than later. “That’s probably true. I’m worried about that, if you want the truth.” “I know the family.” That was surprising, and he asked his dad how he’d found out. “I’m a doctor, son. I know who has children in this town, who is in heat, or ovulating if you will, and who is having twins. This little girl, the one that had these little girls, she came to see me one time. Not as a doctor, but to ask me about adoption. It took me some remembering but your mom pulled some records, and while I know she didn’t give me her correct name, it was easy
for Dane to find her.” “What do you know? I mean, the kids, are they all right? I know physically they are, but anything.... I’m freaking out here, Dad.” Dad said that they were fine. “But you talked to her, didn’t you? You went to see her?” “I did. How did you get so smart?” He told him he was a cop. “You are. Always and forever, I think. Yes, I went to see her. She’s only a kid. Sixteen and living on her own. Lisa was raped by the new alpha, and when he found out that she’d conceived, he assumed she was his mate. But she’s only half cougar; her mom is human, so it doesn’t always work that way. Anyway, he raped her one night and she conceived, like I said.” “They’re girls. He didn’t want them?” Dad shook his head slowly. “Where is she? Dad, tell me so that I can make sure she’s safe.” “She is now. Living in Europe, staying with some friends of ours. She’s not going to come for the girls. Lisa knows that the girls are in good hands, and that you won’t turn them out because of who they are and what they are.” Tess asked why that would matter. “They’re alpha children. Girls, yes, but they might be alphas someday should it need be. The fact that they’re so close is because she had to hide them all the time when they were first born. Not just from the alpha, but her family as well. They were shamed, you see, that she’d not given him sons. Messed up badly if you asked me. But she came here, looking for a place that takes children without anyone asking questions. She knew what she was about. By her giving them up, without a birth certificate or names, no one would associate them with her.”