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Oliver: Forbidden: Paranormal Romance Page 3

  “Bullshit.” He just stared at her. “I can’t take money out of my son’s account, even though he is related to me by blood, but you can take my home, the one that my husband left me? That is so like a bank to fuck over someone. If you’d let me take money out of Oliver’s account, I’ll save you all that trouble.” He told her no, he was taking her house. “Over my dead body will you be selling my home. It’s mine. Where I live. Where I sleep. You fucking touch it, and I will tear you up. Understand me? I’ll kill your fucking ass if you even try that.”

  “Do you have the funds?” She only stared at him. “I didn’t think so. While we’ve been talking about this, I’ve sent someone to your home in anticipation of you being unable to come up with the money, and he has changed the locks. The cars will also be taken, as you’ve been unable to pay for the money that you’ve overdrawn. They will be sold to cover—”

  “You mother fucker.” She stood up and reached for her gun in her purse, forgetting that they’d made her put it back in her car before she could come in. “Oliver put you up to this, didn’t he? The mother fucker took my money out of my accounts so that I’d lose my home and my cars. Well, he’s going to pay for this. You are too, you fucking bastard. You put that money back or so help me, I’m going to put you into a world of hurt. I’m not fucking kidding right now. Put it all back.”

  “I have explained to you, over and over, that there is no money. You will have to leave now before I have you arrested for threatening me.” She kicked him in the leg, then stood up and punched him in the face. Before she could grab the chair and beat him to death with it, she was pulled off him by the other two. “What is wrong with you? Ms. Moody, this is assault and battery. What do you think you’re doing, hurting me?”

  “I’m going to get my money back, or you’re going to die, that’s what is wrong with me.” She was wrestled to the floor. Someone said they were calling the police. “You will not call anyone but my son. Do you hear me? Tell Oliver to get his ass down here and fucking fix this. This is all his fault anyway. He shouldn’t have been in charge of my husband’s money. It all should have come to me. Mother fuckers. Don’t you know when you’ve beaten a person down about as far as they can go? Get off me.”

  Honey was able to get in a few punches before the police arrived. She was beating the shit out of them before they used one of them Tasing things on her. Holy fuckballs, that fucker hurt her.

  Before anyone did anything at all that she wanted, she was in the back of a police cruiser. Even kicking the back seat with her feet got her nowhere. After the fuzz, all she would ever call the police told her to stop it for about the tenth time, he opened the back door and grabbed both her legs. She was afraid in those few moments.

  “You kick the seat once more, and we’ll be heading to the hospital instead of the jail. Do you understand the words coming from my mouth?” She spit at him. And almost as soon as the spittle left her mouth, for the first time in her life, Honey knew that she’d gone too far. “Oh, you’ve done it now. That is going to get you in deep trouble, Ms. Moody. Deeper than being without funds.”

  Jerked from the back seat of the cruiser, she was on her belly again. Every part of her hurt from the rough treatment. As soon as she felt something stick to her mouth, she had a feeling that she’d be more sore before this was done. Then while she was trying to figure out what they’d put on her mouth, they also tied her legs together.

  Being picked up this way had her at a disadvantage to be able to do anything to the man. When she was tossed into the back seat, her ass up in the air and her face smashed into the seat, the fuzz reached in and turned her face so that she could breathe. When the door shut again, she knew that everyone outside of the car could not only see her bare ass, but they were more than likely talking about how she’d been treated.

  The ride to wherever he decided to take her was no different than her being tossed around when they were putting her in the car. Christ, she knew that she was going to be too sore to do much more than walk when they finally stopped. As soon as the door opened again, someone laughed. Mother fuckers were going to pay for this.

  Being tossed over a shoulder after being pulled from the car made her sick. Honey was afraid of throwing up. If she did, she’d be sicker because of the tape—she’d finally figured out what it was—that was over her mouth. As it was, she was so dizzy that she was sure it was going to be a while before she could stand.

  Put on her feet now, they didn’t even have her brace herself for the tape to be pulled off her mouth. Staring at the woman in front of her, Honey nearly laughed. She had a face mask on, as well as a bright yellow jumper. Like Honey was some kind of walking disease or something. As they were taking the tape off her legs, she was just getting ready to kick out when she found herself alone in the cell. Her hands were still cuffed.

  “Hey? Mother fuckers? You forgot something.” She yelled down the empty hall for them to undo her wrists. “Don’t think I’m not taking note of what you’ve done to me. I swear to Christ, every one of you mother fuckers is going to pay.”

  When the door opened, she could barely make out who was coming toward her. It took her a minute to see that it was her son. Good Christ, when did he get so grown up and handsome? Pretending that she didn’t know him, she ignored him as he sat down in a chair he’d brought with him and stared at her. Honey sat on the cot that was there for her and paid him no attention.

  “I know that you’re aware of me, so I’ll talk, and you can listen or not. I don’t care. This conversation, as well as the incidents you caused on the way to get here, are all recorded for your trial. Now. Down to business. There isn’t going to be any money put into yours or Sunshine’s account. Also, I’m not going to pay the back taxes on the houses that either of you own, the cars will be sold to try and recoup the money that you’ve overspent at the bank, and—” She cut him off by calling him a fucker. “Calling names isn’t going to endear you to anyone, Mother. You will sit here in jail until such time as an attorney will come to represent you in the case that they’re gathering up against you—assault and battery of an officer of the bank, destruction of property, and attempted murder of an officer of the law, to name a few.”

  “I didn’t have my gun, or all of them wouldn’t have been an attempt of shit. They’d be fucking dead. Including you. I hate you, Oliver. I have always hated you.” He told her that he didn’t care all that much for her, either. “You’re going to help me, Oliver. Or else I’ll make you regret taking a single breath.”

  He stood up and smiled at her. “How can you sit there, spewing how much you hate me, then expect me to drop everything to rescue you? I’m not. Ever. Dad left you and Sunshine well off. In a position much better than I ever would have. If you’d have taken the advice of those that worked with Dad, you would still be wealthy. But you messed up royally. You have nothing. And I have to admit, it took you a bit longer than I ever thought it would to get that way.” He started away, then stopped. “By the way, you have a trial date in three days to determine if you’re a fit enough person to be around Lyle. His mother will be notified today as well.”

  “You’re going to pay for this.” He asked her how she figured that. “You just wait and see. I’m going to ruin you, Oliver. Then you’ll know the feelings that I have right now, when I take every bit of money you have.”

  He was still laughing when he closed the door behind him as he left her. Seconds later, a female cop came down the hall and told her to back up to the cell wall. When she refused to do it that way, she left her there again. Honey was fucking sick of being treated like she was nothing. By God, she was something, and they’d soon remember that.


  “Yes, I’m still here.” Oliver was trying to purchase a home in the States. When he had arrived to take care of Lyle, he’d been staying with Wayne and Easton. It was easier than renting a house or even staying in a hotel. Today he was looking for somethi
ng more permanent. Something that would tell the courts that he was a stable person who would take good care of his nephew. He heard Wayne laughing when he came back on the line again. “Find anything?”

  “Plenty. The trick is finding something that will work for you. I have three homes that meet most of the criteria that you want. There are more bedrooms than you wished for, but one of them does have a pool out back that, as you said, Lyle can use to get himself back into shape. In what order do you wish to see them?” He told Wayne the pool house first. “Good choice. The house has been on the market for some time, Oliver. I do want to point that out to you. However, when it was for sale a few years ago, it was purchased with the idea of making it into a bed and breakfast. I think that went out the door the moment the sales for the baskets made locally sort of flatlined.”

  “Lyle is resting now. And Grace is here with him. I can meet you there anytime you wish.” Wayne told him that he could meet him there in a couple of hours, or he had a new realtor that was working with him that could show him around right now. “I’ll take the newbie. That way, I can be gone and back before Lyle wakes. He has a monitored test tonight, and I’d like to prep him a little more for it.”

  “All right. His name is Winston Dent. He’s not what you might be used to in realtors, just a heads up. He’s more like me—show you to the house, tell you what needs to be done, then leave you to it. If you want him to tell you something else, you’ll need to ask. I’m still testing the waters in trying to see what sort of person he is. I’m thinking you might like him.” Oliver didn’t care if he liked him or not, but did want to get a house going. “All right. He’ll see you there. Also, I’ve withdrawn your offer on the house in London as you requested. The man and his wife that were selling it were very sorry to hear about your nephew. Anything else?”

  “No. Nothing. I’m sorry about all this, Wayne. You have no idea how much I appreciate everything you and Easton have been doing for me.” Wayne told him not to worry about it. “But I do. I’ll tell everyone I know about you, so it might make up for the loss of the commission that you would have made on the house.”

  “You’ve not even asked about the price of this one yet. Go and look at it. I think you might be surprised by it. It comes as you see it. I’m not entirely sure what that is supposed to mean—as I said, it’s been on the market for some time now—but you and Winston can work it out.”

  Thanking him again, Oliver told him he was leaving now.

  Lyle had to have several of his wounds stitched up again yesterday after his mom had left. Now his grandma was in jail, and it didn’t look as if she was getting out too soon. Spitting on an officer held a stiff penalty around there. Oliver figured that it did just about everywhere.

  Heading to the parking garage, he saw Sunshine walking across the street toward the bank. He called the banker and gave him a heads up.

  “I’m ready for her. What I mean is I’ve got the police right here in the office with me this time. I swear to you, Oliver, I never thought your mother would attack me like she did. I have seventeen stitches in my leg from where she kicked me. And a black eye that won’t soon be gone.” He told him he was sorry. “Not as sorry as they’re going to be. The home office is pressing charges as well. It’s going to be a huge fine when this is all said and done. The house, it’s on the market now. Did you really want to purchase it?”

  “I do. I want you to call my realtor, Wayne Carey, and tell him what you and I discussed about the house. If you want to tell him it might be the two houses, you tell him that as well. However, I don’t know where Sunshine will get the money any more than I did my mother.” He told Oliver that he didn’t know either. “I’ll let you go. She’s in the doorway right now. Don’t let her hit you. All right?”

  After closing the connection, Oliver made his way to the address that Wayne had given him. He loved the neighborhood. Oliver thought too that it was close to Jake and the other men that he’d become friends with. As soon as he got out of his car and walked up to the front porch, he knew this was going to be the perfect home to take care of Lyle in. The other man, about his age, got out of his car and asked if he was Oliver.

  “I am. You must be Winston. Oliver told me you were new to this. I have no idea why, but I thought you’d be younger.” Winston told him that he was getting a late start on life, as he’d been in the service for ten years. “I tried when I was younger, but I have a bad kidney. I didn’t even know that until they did the exam.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. I’m to understand that you’ve done your country well despite not being able to serve. The boxes that we got while I was serving, I saw your name on them and was hoping that you would be the same man that helped a lot of us out.” Oliver told him it was his pleasure. “You say that, but you made being over there a great deal easier than it could have been for a lot of us.”

  Oliver and his company would box up computers with books on them, and gift cards that could be used to get more. He made sure that there were little things in there too, to use while reading—lighters, candy, and cookies, to name a few things. Tea bags, as well as packets of sugar. It wasn’t all just food and such. There were two pairs of socks in each box, shampoo, soap, as well as a couple of large towels. Cards to use, gloves, as well as skull caps that he knew might not have been so useful, but just nice to have to keep things in, as they had a drawstring on them too.

  “What can you tell me about the house?” Winston told him what Wayne had, that it was as is. It had been built for a larger family to live in, and the family had divorced when the husband’s mother was supposed to come to live with them. “My mother would kill us all in our sleep if I even thought that she should live with us. She’s not the type of person that you’d want to even be around right now.”

  Oliver had no idea why he’d said that to the other man. Winston did tell him that his own parents were gone and that it was just him and his sister. April, her name was, had a home and family of her own now. Winston told him how he’d been sort of drifting for a while.

  They went over the entire house. Winston pointed out the fireplace in the master bedroom. There were ample closets in all the rooms. Oliver loved the views from the upper floors as well. It wasn’t until they were back in the kitchen that he realized that the place was loaded with furniture. Not the cheap staged stuff that realtors put in a home either.

  “He said as is. That can’t possibly mean the furniture, could it? I mean, what sort of good luck would that be for me? I don’t even have much in the way of towels, much less an entire house full of furniture.” Winston said that he’d ask Wayne. Instead of walking away to make the call, he did it in the kitchen with him and the phone on speaker. Oliver told him that the paperwork said as is. “Everything in here, including all the things in the linen closets, is staying too? That’s just too good to be true.”

  “If it will make you feel any better, I’ll make a call. I’d be a little shocked by that too. Let me call you back.”

  As they waited on Wayne to call back, Oliver asked Winston if he was all right.

  “You’ve been sort of acting a little offish since we left the upper floors. I didn’t offend you, did I, by asking twice about the furniture? I’m sorry if I did.” Winston assured him that he’d not offended him in any way. “You were doing such a good job of being there when I had a question, so I assumed that I’d done something wrong. Tell me what happened between the bedrooms.”

  “I’m not human. I’m sure that you know a few shifters. You smell like a couple of different kinds. Cat and wolf for sure.” He told him that the people he was staying with and their extended family weren’t human. “Good. I’m a bear. My family descended from the first bear shifters ever created. And I’m a pureblood. There has never been a human or any other creature that has joined my family except for you.”

  “That’s impressive. I’m not sure— I’m sorry. What did you say?” Winston
grinned and told him that he was a pureblood. “I got that part. What do you mean, joined your family except for me? Please explain yourself.”

  “I’m your mate. It took me a while to figure it out. It wasn’t until we were in the master bedroom, and you called me over to look out the window that I understood. If you’re not a homosexual, I’m sorry to have sprung this on you like this.” Oliver sat down hard on the chair that thankfully was right behind him. “Are you?”

  “Yes. I mean, yes, I’m gay. But I don’t understand. How is this possible?” It was Winston’s turn to look confused. “You see when I was about seventeen I was a mate, or whatever humans are called when they’re with a shifter. We snuck around for the better part of two years before he was killed. After spending about two weeks with his family after the funeral, I was told that I’d never have anyone in my life again that would be like Ben was. That was his name, Ben Sliver. If we’re mates, which I have no reason not to believe, then how will that work for us?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, did you ever feel anything for this Ben person?” Oliver was honest and told him that it was more like the sex was all there was to their relationship that he looked forward to. “So you never professed that you loved each other? That’s not normal. Did his family tell you that?”

  “They told me a great deal about mates, just when we first hooked up. Mostly how there was just the one person for everyone. I didn’t love Ben. He was older than me by a few years, and the sex was great, but that’s about it. I wouldn’t go all nuts if I didn’t see him for a few days. And when he died, I was saddened by it. Even though his parents said that I should feel like I wanted to join him, I never had that feeling either. I just figured it was because I was human.”

  “How do you feel about me? I mean, I know that it’s only been about an hour, but what are you feeling?” Oliver thought about it. How did he really feel? “You don’t have to answer that right now.”