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Harley: Prince Of Tigers, Book 5 Page 8

  Where are you? He nearly screamed, a very unmanly thing to do, when Dad spoke to him. I’ve been around the house, and there ain’t nary a person around. Not even that lovely cook of yours is making any kind of dessert for dinner. Where are you, son?

  In the woods behind the house. I’ve only just noticed there isn’t anything going on here. No faeries like there normally are, nor do I see Sunshine. I’m almost afraid to call out. While you were in the house, did you see anything that looked like there might have been a fight or something? Dad told him he’d not thought to check, but he’d look now. Dad, I’m starting to freak out a little here. If there are no signs of a struggle in my house, I’m going to come out of the woods. I’ll contact Micky too.

  She’s not with you? Now he was terrified. Micky and Lydia said they were going to come back to your house to see where they could find her and Mark some land to build on. Son, I’m a little afraid now too. Do you suppose something has—?

  Don’t, Dad. Don’t say it. I’m coming out of the woods now. He saw his dad on the deck behind the house and waved at him, a way of telling him that it was him. Reaching out to Micky, he felt the block almost at once, one that told him she was alive, of course, but unconscious. She’s hurt and not awake, so I can find her.

  I’ve contacted your brothers and hers. Mark said he’s not seen his wife since this morning, but he’d not been worried about her until now. He was on the deck with his dad, but they continued to speak through their link, just on the off chance that someone was close to them. Aurora is on her way.

  The beautiful woman appeared almost as soon as Dad spoke. She looked worried as well, and that didn’t make Harley feel any better. He asked her if she knew anything about the missing women.

  “I cannot feel either of them, only because I believe them to be someplace made of stone or manmade. I have the earth looking deeper for me to see if they have any tabs on them.” She started to fade, then returned. “They have been found, Harley. They are both hurt badly but will recover.”

  The world around him seemed to snap closed. It wasn’t until he realized Dad was slapping him in the face that he finally came around. Dad looked as worried as he’d ever seen him. When he sat up, not realizing he’d fallen to the deck, he asked Aurora who had them.

  “The man from yesterday. The doctor.” Harley asked if he was alone. “He is. I cannot tell you why he took the two of them, as I’m not able to breach his mind. It’s very chaotic right now. But they are in the building that was being worked on by the faeries this morn. The old schoolhouse, I believe.”

  “Why are all the grounds around here so quiet? Did he do something to hurt them as well?” Aurora shook her head and told him they were all out searching for the women. And that they hadn’t wanted to worry him if it was nothing more than that they’d gotten lost somewhere. “I understand that. But I need to know from now on. All right? Will you make sure they understand that? I need to find them and make sure they’re both all right.”

  He and his dad got into the truck. Dad drove, as Harley was just too upset to make sure they got there all in one piece. While they were driving to the schoolhouse, he reached out to all of the family, including the Bronsons. Mark spoke first.

  I’ll meet you there with my bag. We’ve not announced it as yet, but Lydia is going to have our baby. Please take care of them for me. Harley said he would. Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  Once they were on site, he could see that the faeries were indeed there. This time neither Fisher nor Piper were standing with the army, but their faeries were. Piper hugged him tightly and told him they’d help them in any way they could. Then she asked him what he was going to do.

  “Go in there, kill the man, and bring out my mate and Lydia. Unless you have a better plan.” She smiled at him. “I’m going to take that as a no. I know they’re both hurt. Have you sent in a faerie to see how badly they’re wounded? I would appreciate it if you have. I need to know how much I’m going to make him suffer when I get to him.”

  “If I tell you they’re only hurt a little bit, will you allow him to live?” Harley told her he was dead either way. The only difference would be in how much he suffered. “All right. Let me ask you this, Harley, just because I know Micky too. How much do you think she’s going to like it if you make the man suffer? Not so much, I’m betting.”

  “Don’t be logical with me, Piper. He has Micky.” She only nodded. “All right. I’ll not make him suffer. But he is going to be a dead mother fucker.”

  “Oh, that goes without saying.” He loved the women in his family. When Rowan joined them, she was demanding answers when Piper cut her off. “Back the fuck up, Rowan, or I will put you in a world of hurt. We’re doing everything we can right now. And they’ll be coming out soon. Just calm the hell down, and we’ll get this finished and go someplace to have a nice steak dinner.” When Rowan went to Toddy, Harley told Piper she’d done that very well. “Yes, well, I don’t want her taking away your thunder. You kill him, Harley. Kill that fucker for all of us.”

  “That too goes without saying.”

  When the faeries came back to tell them that Micky was awake, he reached out to her to find out how the two of them were doing.

  I’m fine, babe, but this son of a bitch isn’t going to be when I’m finished with him. He said he wanted to kill him. You’ll have to stand in line, bub. This guy is all mine. I love you. I’ll be out as soon as I take care of this.

  She would too, and there was no doubt in his mind that she would do it well. Smiling, Harley waited, telling anyone that was near him that his mate had things taken care of. He couldn’t have been prouder of her if he’d tried. Micky was the best.


  Micky thought her leg was broken when she’d woken up, but now it was healed. It didn’t seem to her that Simmons knew it either. Once she was feeling much better, she started yelling at the dumbass that thought taking her would do him any good.

  “You do know that when you took us, you signed your death certificate. Can you do that? Sign your own death certificate? I’ll have to ask my—” He told her to shut up. “Don’t interrupt me when I’m speaking, douche canoe. I’m talking. You’re listening to me.”

  “I wish I would have killed you when I took you from the house. Christ, your husband’s ears must be exhausted by the end of the day.” Micky told him that wasn’t anything anyone could have. “How the fuck do you know? You have a medical degree or something? Shut the fuck up.”

  “I don’t have one, but my big brother does. I’d ask him about it, but he’s too worried about his wife and child right now to answer me. You do know you’re in deep shit, don’t you? I mean, this is far beyond you taking money from people so they could hide out from the police.” Simmons told her again to shut up. “You’re very repetitive, aren’t you? I mean, it’s obvious even to Lydia here that I’m not going to shut up. Isn’t it, love?”

  “You do go on about stuff when you’re on a roll. Do you think we can get out of here soon, Micky? I have laundry to do, and I was planning a nice romantic evening with Mark.” Micky told her that was very nice. “Thank you. He’s been so stressed out lately that—”

  “Jesus fucking Christ, do you ever shut the fuck up? Christ.” Micky told him it had been pointed out to him several times now that she didn’t. “I’m going to fucking blow your head off, right now.” He put the gun to her forehead but stayed back far enough that she couldn’t reach him with her legs again.

  “Go ahead. Pull the trigger. Empty out your gun and see that it’s done you not one twig of good. I’m an immortal moron. All of my family is.” Lydia asked if her child was. “That I don’t know. We’ll find out when we walk out of here.”

  “Thank you. I wanted you to know that I think you’re the best sister-in-law I’ve ever had. I know Winne and Rowan are my sisters as well, but you’re less stressed all the time than they ar
e.” The gun fired up in the ceiling, and Lydia looked at Simmons. “What is wrong with you? Can’t you hear that we’re having a nice conversation? Men. Why do they think having a gun makes them all that? I don’t know, Micky, but I surely hope my child is a girl. Men are just too overdramatic sometimes.”

  Micky loved that Lydia was helping her rattle Simmons. He would make a mistake soon, and she’d kill him. But not if there was any chance that one of them could get hurt. Especially Lydia.

  Turning to Simmons, she smiled at him. “What did you hope to gain by kidnapping us? There isn’t any way you’re going to be able to practice medicine again. You won’t be able to get a job after this because—well, you’ll be dead. What did you think was going to happen when you planned this? Or did you have a plan at all?” He told her the mob was after him. “So? What does that have to do with us? If they were to knock on the door right now, I’d gladly hand you over to them—after I got my fair share of your ass. You’re stupid—I think I might have said that before. If I did, then it bears repeating.”

  Honey, are you all right? She told Harley she was having a blast. I’m happy for you, but Mark is going off the edge here. Can you have Lydia speak to him? He’s stressed enough to hurt himself if someone were to touch him right now.

  I’ll tell her. Tell him to calm down. I have this. Simmons is going to make a mistake, and I’m going to pounce. She laughed. I’m a cat. I only just remembered that. I thought she’d be all pacing or something because I’m here.

  She must think you have a handle on it. You’ve no idea how much better that makes me feel. I’ll wait, but have Lydia talk to her husband.

  She told him how much she loved him and spoke to Lydia. “Your poor husband is worried about you, hon. Why don’t you do that link thing and talk to him? I’m sure it would go a long way in making him feel better.” She said she would while Simmons screamed at her to shut up. Micky turned back to him. “Did you know that I’m a tiger, Simmons? A big one that is going to break these straps on us and tear your throat out. How does that sound?”

  “How does that sound? How the fuck do you think it sounds? Like you’re full of shit. I think I liked it better when you were out cold. Maybe I’ll hit you again.” She smiled at him. “You’re fucking scary when you look at me like that. I have no idea why you think this is going to end well for you. But I will tell you what it is you’re going to do. Call Masterson and tell him you’re going to allow me to open the clinic again and run it just the way I was. That way, I can get out of the country before he—why are you shaking your head no?”

  “First of all, thank you for his name.” She told Harper the man’s name and what Simmons wanted. “I’m having someone find him now. I’m betting he or a few of his henchmen are in town already. What do you think?”

  He fired at her then. It hit her in the chest, and while it was painful as fuck, she knew she’d not die. When she stood up, the plastic strips around their wrists that he’d put on them both breaking loose, Micky told Lydia to hide. As soon as she rolled out of sight, Micky let her cat take her.

  Micky didn’t know why she thought it would be painful to become her other half, but it wasn’t. In fact, it was very soothing to her, like her kitten had come out to comfort her. However, right now, she wished she’d had some time to be her other half. At least for the walking part. But it was too late for her to wish things that wouldn’t help the situation she was in now.

  When she made her way to Simmons, she told Harley that she loved being a cat.

  Good. I’m so very glad you’ve let her out. Come out for me, love. The sound of the gun going off is making us all a bit nervous. She said it was nearly over with. Good. And thanks for having Lydia talk to her husband. It worked.

  Stalking around the room and snarling at Simmons, she smelled the strong odor of piss. The man had wet himself. While she wasn’t able to talk to the other man, she knew all she’d have to do was cut him a little, then she could. This was a great deal more fun than anyone had ever told her.

  Snapping at the man, she accidentally bit his hand off. Laughing, she said, “Oops,” before explaining to him what she was going to do. Simmons was sobbing now, begging her not to kill him.

  All bets were off the moment you came into my home uninvited, fucktard. He said he was sorry he’d ever met her. The feeling is mutual. Now that you’ve told me what you want to do, here is what is going to—

  Micky paused when Harper spoke to her. Masterson is in town. Not only that, but the Feds have picked him up. You’re going to get a nice fat reward for that, my dear. She said for her to make whatever it was out to Lydia. I can do that. I do know they’ve been struggling for a while now. And guess what else I discovered? Someone paid off Mark’s student loans. I wish I’d have figured that out before you did.

  Maybe next time. I’m going to kill him, but I want to make sure it doesn’t come back to bite any of us in the ass. She promised her that people would only be happy he was dead. Yes, me too. I’m going to do it now. I hope to Christ you’re right.

  Simmons fell to the floor. She could hear his heart beating slower and slower and realized he was bleeding out. When she saw him close his eyes, she got close enough to him to put her paw on his chest. He told her to kill him.

  Nope. You’re going to die of your own stupidity. This way, I won’t have to worry about going to prison. You’re going to be nothing after this. No one I know will ever think of you again. By the way, Masterson is in custody. Goodbye, dumb fuck. She thought about ending his life quickly, but he no more deserved that than he did to live at all. Lydia, will you call in the troops? I haven’t any idea how to shift back to my other self.

  The Feds came in first. She didn’t move from her position near Simmons until she saw Harley. Then she moved to him and leapt up on his chest, knocking him to the floor. Licking his face, she told him she loved him, and he told her he loved her too, then told her how to shift back. It was as easy as it had been to be her cat.

  “Let’s just go home, all right?” Harley said that was a wonderful idea. “If they have any questions for us, they can ask us there.”

  And they did. The Feds showed up at their home no more than an hour after they got there.

  “Mark Simmons isn’t his real name. He had several aliases. We’ve been chasing his ass for about a decade. Same thing in different little towns. He goes in, sets up a clinic or takes one over, then brings in Masterson’s bullies.” Agent Deary was with them while his men went over the building she and Lydia had been taken to. “There is a substantial reward for his capture. That of Masterson too. Ms. Prince said that I’m to pay it to Ms. Bronson. Is that correct?”

  “Yes. She was the one that was with me, and I want her to have it all.” He nodded. “What is it you’re not telling me? I’m not the type of woman that likes to have things given to her a little at a time. Just fucking say it, and we’ll move on from there.”

  His laughter made her smile. “All right. Masterson had quite a sum of money in the house he was using. I say it that way because it wasn’t his but belonged to a family he murdered when he decided it was central to where he was working. The government will take the house and the things in it and return it to the family’s relatives. The money, I’m told, was to go directly to you. And that if you had trouble with that, I was to give you my boss’s number so you could talk to him.” Micky asked who his boss was. “The president. He has a real hard-on for making you take this reward, Ms. Prince. I’d do it if I were you. Otherwise, he said to tell you he was going to come here and make sure your picture and name hit the paper. That would cause you a great deal of trouble.”

  “Does he have any idea who he’s dealing with?” Deary said he doubted anyone would understand dealing with her until they had to. “I’m sure you meant that as a compliment. At least I’m going to take it that way.”

  “Yes, ma’am, that’s just what I meant.” He stoo
d up and put out his hand. “If you ever find yourself in want of a job, you call me up, and I’ll put you on my team. I don’t think I’ve met a more mouthy, bitchy woman than you who gets the job done.”

  She took his hand and held it for a few moments longer than necessary. Micky looked up at him. “You’re a lion.” He said he was. “You’re also dying of cancer. How is that possible? I thought shifters were immune to such things.”

  “I’m only half lion. My mother, bless her soul, was human when she met my father. He was a full-blood lion, and that’s why I’ve been able to put dying off for so long. But it’s getting the better of me, and I don’t have it in me to fight it anymore.” She squeezed his hand tightly and felt the magic go from her hand to his lungs and brain. “Christ, what is that?”

  “You’re no longer dying. I don’t know if you’re immortal, but you no longer have cancer or anything else that would kill you.” He sat down hard on the couch. Harley helped him by putting him further back on the couch. “You’re going to need to drink more juice. Also, red meat will be good for you.”

  “How did you do that? I haven’t felt this good in ages.” Micky told him that the queen of all things had given her the power to do this for him. Deary began to cry. “Buck up, man. I don’t think your other agents will be all right knowing I made their boss all sobby.”

  He laughed. “You’re not one to hold back, are you?” He laughed again, wiping at his face with a tissue that Harley gave him. “What I wouldn’t give to have heard the conversation between you and Simmons. I’m betting it was a hoot.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” When she stood up, he did as well. “You be safe, Agent. I might well need you someday, and I’d like to know you’re still around. You’re a good man.”

  “Thank you. There are days when I don’t feel like it, but coming from you, I feel like I can believe you.” He hugged her and then Harley. “You have a good wife there, Harley. You make sure I don’t have to come back here and kick your ass for anything. However, now that I think on it, I’m sure she can take care of herself.”